Friday, February 17, 2012

Restless Reading Syndrome

I have been absent for some time, dear readership, and wish to explain why. You see, I have Restless Reading Syndrome.

Restless Reading Syndrome (RRS) is a horrible affliction that makes it near impossible to finish any book you start - if you can even find a book worth starting. I've gotten RRS every summer since my mid-teens (which made summer reading programs a pain to complete), and now it has become a year-round ailment I can't seem to shake. This may sound a bit like a joke, but it has become very serious for me. I am an avid reader, and not being able to simply sit down and read whatever looks good without getting bored in under ten minutes is extremely frustrating.

I have also become extremely critical of books, and when I read to review even more so. I have been trying to remedy this somewhat by reading simply for pleasure - although it hasn't freed me that much at all. This has left me without book reviews, and therefore nothing to post.

I am still a firm believer that reviewing books is good for my writing, however, and plan to start demanding one review a month from myself (it's a miracle if I finish a single book in an entire month anyway). Hopefully once I get back into the hang of it, my posts will pick back up.

For now, please be patient with me.