Saturday, September 3, 2011

Her Majesty's Dog Series by Mick Takeuchi

Decided to re-read one of my favorite series. 11 volumes in all.

Summary: Amane isn't your normal teenage girl - she is a Manatsukai, able to use kotodama and control things with their name. Hyoue is her indentured demon dog guardian, who feeds on her life force in exchange for his services. To get away from her oppressive and secretive people, Amane and Hyoue move from their remote island home to her estranged Uncle's house in the city to attend regular school. But her ability to see spirits puts her in constant danger, and the secrets that her people have been hiding are even darker than she could ever imagine. And can Hyoue ever pursue his forbidden love for his oblivious master?

Reality Check: The art is soft for the face but sharp for the demons - as it should be. It's an interesting story with likeable characters. Lots of action and lots of humor, but it has its serious moments as well.

Favorite Part: The story of how Amane and Hyoue found each other. So bittersweet. *sniffle*

Conclusion: I always have a soft spot for stories with ancient themes - demons and powers all that. And forbidden love - not being able to be together is so much more romantic. I definitely recommend it.

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal

 out of 4 Paws Up

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